OpenAPI and Docs

AIScript provides automatic OpenAPI documentation generation from your route definitions with zero configuration. This feature creates comprehensive API documentation including type information, validation rules, and examples derived directly from your code.

Basic Documentation

The simplest way to document your API is through docstrings. In AIScript, you can use triple-quoted strings ("""...""") to provide documentation for routes and their parameters:

post /api/chat {
    Chat API endpoint
    Sends a message to the chat service and returns a response.

    body {
        """The message to be sent to the chat service"""
        message: str,

    return f"Input: {body.message}!";

Using @docs Directive

The @docs directive gives you fine-grained control over how your API is documented:

@docs(tag="Authentication", deprecated=true)
post /api/login {
    """Login endpoint - use the new OAuth endpoint instead"""
    // Route implementation

The @docs directive supports the following parameters:

  • tag: String value that groups related endpoints in the documentation UI
  • deprecated: Boolean that marks an endpoint as deprecated
  • hidden: Boolean that excludes an endpoint from the documentation

Documenting Routes

Each route can have a detailed description using docstrings and can be enhanced with the @docs directive:

get /api/users {
    List all users
    Returns a paginated list of all users in the system.
    Results can be filtered by role or status.
    query {
        """Page number for pagination"""
        page: int = 1,
        @number(min=1, max=100)
        """Number of items per page"""
        limit: int = 20
    // Route implementation

Documenting Parameters

You can document query parameters, path parameters, and request body fields:

Query Parameters

get /api/products {
    query {
        """Filter products by category"""
        category: str,
        """Sort order (asc or desc)"""
        @in(["asc", "desc"])
        sort: str = "asc",
        """Minimum price filter"""
        min_price: float

Path Parameters

Path parameters allow you to capture values from the URL path. The syntax similar to query {} block, you can add type validators to each parameter:

get /api/users/:id {
    Get user by ID

    path {
        """User ID (must be a valid string)"""
        id: str
    // Route implementation

You can combine multiple path parameters and add type validation:

get /users/:userId/posts/:postId {
    Get user's post

    path {
        """User ID (alphanumeric with minimum length)"""
        userId: str,

        """Post ID (must be a positive integer)"""
        postId: int

    // Implementation example
    print(f"Fetching post {path.postId} for user {path.userId}");
    return {
        "userId": path.userId,
        "postId": path.postId

Request Body

post /api/products {
    body {
        """Product name (must be unique)"""
        @string(min_len=3, max_len=100)
        name: str,
        """Detailed product description"""
        description: str,
        """Product price in USD"""
        price: float,
        """Product categories (at least one required)"""
        categories: array

Response Documentation

You can document the responses a route might return:

get /api/orders/:id {
    Get order details
    Retrieves the details of a specific order.
      200: Successful operation
      404: Order not found
      403: Unauthorized access

    path {
        id: str
    // Route implementation

Auto-Generated Documentation

AIScript automatically generates OpenAPI documentation based on your route definitions. This documentation includes:

  1. All routes and their HTTP methods
  2. Request parameters (query, path, body)
  3. Validation rules applied to parameters
  4. Data types for all parameters and responses
  5. Docstrings as descriptions
  6. Documentation specific to each parameter
  7. Tags and groupings defined by @docs directives
  8. Deprecated endpoints marked accordingly

Accessing Documentation

By default, AIScript makes your API documentation available at /redoc and the OpenAPI specification at /openapi.json. You can customize these paths in your project configuration:

# project.toml

enabled = true
type = "redoc"
path = "/redoc"

AIScript's documentation UI support Swagger UI and Redoc.

Tags and Grouping

You can use the tag parameter in the @docs directive to group related endpoints in the documentation:

get /api/users {
    """List all users"""

get /api/users/:id {
    """Get user by ID"""

get /api/products {
    """List all products"""

In the generated documentation UI, endpoints will be grouped by their tags, making it easier to navigate complex APIs.

Marking Deprecated Endpoints

Use the deprecated parameter to mark endpoints that should no longer be used:

get /api/v1/users {
    """This endpoint is deprecated. Use /api/v2/users instead."""

Deprecated endpoints will be clearly marked in the documentation UI, but will still be included so that users who need to migrate can understand the old API.

Hiding Endpoints

You can exclude specific endpoints from documentation with the hidden parameter:

get /internal/metrics {
    """This endpoint won't appear in documentation"""

This is useful for internal endpoints that aren't meant for public consumption.

Combining Multiple Directives

You can combine the @docs directive with other directives to create comprehensive documentation:

get /api/users/me {
    """Get the currently authenticated user's profile"""
    // Route implementation


Automatic OpenAPI documentation in AIScript offers several benefits:

  1. Zero configuration: Documentation is generated automatically from your code
  2. Always up-to-date: Documentation updates whenever your code changes
  3. Complete type information: All parameter types are accurately reflected
  4. Validation rules included: All validators are documented
  5. Interactive testing: Test endpoints directly from the documentation UI
  6. Client generation: Use the OpenAPI spec to generate client libraries in various languages
  7. Organized documentation: Group endpoints logically with tags
  8. Deprecation notices: Clearly mark endpoints that are being phased out

AIScript's built-in documentation system ensures your API is well-documented with minimal effort, making it easier for both you and your API consumers to understand and use your services.