Route Directives

These directives are applied to route declarations to modify their behavior.


Specifies that the route expects and parses JSON request bodies.

post /api/users {
    body {
        name: str,
        email: str,

    // Process body as JSON
    return f"Created user: {}";


Specifies that the route expects and parses form data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data).

post /api/contact {
    body {
        name: str,
        message: str,

    // Process body as form data
    return f"Received message from: {}";


Requires authentication for the route. Can specify roles or permissions.

get /api/profile {
    // Only authenticated users can access
    return "Your profile data";

get /api/users {
    // Only admins can access
    return "All users data";


Enables HTTP Basic Authentication for the route.

get /admin/dashboard {
    // Only users with valid basic auth credentials can access
    return "Admin dashboard";


Enables Single Sign-On authentication for the route.

get /dashboard {
    // User must be authenticated via Google SSO
    return f"Welcome, {}";


Provides documentation and metadata for OpenAPI generation.


  • deprecated: Marks a route as deprecated
  • tag: Assigns the route to a specific tag group in documentation
  • hidden: Excludes the route from documentation
get /api/users {
    // This route is deprecated
    return "Users list";

post /api/login {
    // This route will be grouped under "Authentication" in docs
    return "Login successful";

get /internal/metrics {
    // This route won't appear in documentation
    return "Internal metrics";