Route Keywords

In AIScript, the route handlers are defined using HTTP method keywords followed by a URL path pattern. This approach provides a clean and intuitive way to build web APIs and handle HTTP requests.


The get keyword defines a route handler for HTTP GET requests, which are used to retrieve data.

get /hello {
    return "Hello World!";


The post keyword defines a route handler for HTTP POST requests, which are typically used to create new resources.

post /products {
    body {
        name: str,
        price: float,
        category: str,

    // Validate input
    if body.price <= 0 {
        return response(status_code = 400, body = {error: "Price must be positive"});

    // Create new product
    let id = db.create_product(, body.price, body.category);
    return response(body = {id: id, message: "Product created"});


The put keyword defines a route handler for HTTP PUT requests, which are used to update existing resources.

put /products/:id {
    path {
        id: int

    body {
        name: str
        price: float
        category: str

    // Check if product exists
    if !db.product_exists( {
        return response(status_code = 404, body = {error: "Product not found"});

    // Update product
    db.update_product(,, body.price, body.category);
    return {message: "Product updated"};


The delete keyword defines a route handler for HTTP DELETE requests, which are used to remove resources.

delete /products/:id {
    path {
        id: int

    // Check if product exists
    if !db.product_exists( {
        return response(status_code = 404, body = {error: "Product not found"});

    // Delete product
    return "Ok";


The route keyword allows grouping related routes under a common path prefix, creating a more organized API structure. This helps maintain cleaner code and logical resource hierarchies.

route /user {
    // This handles GET /user/info
    get /info {
        return {
            version: "1.0",
            endpoints: ["GET /info", "PUT /:id"]

    // This handles PUT /user/:id
    put /:id {
        path {
            id: int
        body {
            name: str,
            email: str,
        // Update user with the given ID
        return {message: "User updated"};


Provides access to query parameters in the URL.

get /search {
    query {
        term: str,
        page: int = 1,

    let term = query.term;
    let page =;
    return f"Searching for '{term}' on page {page}";


Contains route parameters defined with : in the route path.

get /users/:id/posts/:postId {
    path {
        id: str,
        postId: int,

    let userId =;
    let postId = path.postId;
    return f"Accessing post {postId} for user {userId}";


Contains the parsed request body. Automatically parsed based on Content-Type.

post /users {
    body {
        name: str,
        email: str,

    let name =;
    let email =;
    // Create a new user with name and email
    return {id: create_user(name, email)};

Access request headers through the header object.

get /headers {
    let userAgent = header["User-Agent"];
    let contentType = header["Content-Type"];
    return f"User-Agent: {userAgent}, Content-Type: {contentType}";

Access cookies through the cookie object.

get /welcome {
    let username = cookie.username;
    if username {
        return "Welcome back, {username}!";
    } else {
        return "Welcome, guest!";